This SOAP and REST Web Services training course provides experienced Java programmers with the skills to write new SOAP and REST web services, and access existing services. With this training, you also learn how to secure web services using both Java-specific and language-independent security technologies, and how the Java APIs — JAX-WS and JAX-RS — deliver a set of powerful tools for developing a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).
You Will Learn How To
- Develop, deploy, and monitor SOAP and RESTful web services and web service clients with JAX-WS and JAX-RS
- Implement a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) using web services
- Create and deploy WSDL-first and code-first SOAP web services
- Build secure SOAP and REST clients
- Knowledge at the level of:
- Course 471, Java Programming Introduction
- Three months of experience writing Java programs, including an understanding of Java classes and the inheritance model
- You should be able to:
- Create and run a complete stand-alone Java application
- Use the standard flow control constructs (if/then/else/while/for)
- Instantiate Java objects and call instance methods
- Create classes that implement interfaces
- Knowledge at the level of: